GPT Markdown Switch

Script to switch between regular and GPT-compatable markdown formats on the fly.

GPT Markdown Switch is a solution for generating single code block markdown or README files and switching between custom markdown and standard markdown formats, specifically when working with ChatGPT which likes to split/render individual code blocks as it writes them on the page.

This tool includes two main components: a unique prompt used to generate readable README files and a Python script for seamless toggling between custom and standard markdown formats. The custom markdown format introduces unique features like headers represented by H1, H2, H3, etc., and the use of triple single quotes ''' for fenced code blocks, ensuring that all your code blocks return as a single entity instead of multiple rendered markdown blocks.

The concept behind the GPT Markdown Switch was born out of the need for an easier way to copy full code block README files for projects. This tool enables you to generate a full code block README (or any markdown content) with ease, saving you time and reducing the complexity of the process.

Apart from the unique markdown formatting features, GPT Markdown Switch also has the capability to automatically detect the current format of your README file and convert it accordingly. All this requires is Python 3.6+ and the execution of a simple command.

Take a look at a live demo here to see the GPT Markdown Switch in action!

Source code is available on GitHub.